Welcome to the most dependable accountability journey to master undefeatable consistency, reach the finish line of your physical goals and walk away feeling like a hero of the story you’ve always dreamed you could tell.
Do you question your chances to pull it off, but you can’t afford not to?
Do any of the following sound like your current reality?
- Things that made you burn are now on the back burner.
- People keep asking how you have so much energy and enthusiasm, and you can’t bring yourself to tell them you feel like an empty battery.
- You used to love the outdoors and remember the thrill and pleasure of the wind on your face but now spend most of your daily hours hunched over the keyboard.
- You crave colourful meals that burst with flavour but dial UberEats more often than you and your bookkeeper are happy with.
- You want to wake up with an insatiable drive to take the day by the horns but end up rising like a morning zombie (with about as much brains left to focus).
- Truth is, you don’t even remember the last time you got eight hours of proper sleep. You can convince almost anyone that you feel perfect on six, except you suspect that if only you felt a touch better, you’d get right back to defeating all odds. Except…
- Not being able to keep your own promises is already leaving invisible scars on your confidence, but that is just because you’ve had a few bitter experiences! Once you remember what it’s like to taste your own victory, all confidence will return to its rightful place. It only takes a few small wins to reignite your fire.
“In the modern over-committed world, self-maintenance doesn’t hit to-do lists even as a third priority: you’re lucky if it makes the double digits, all while the available solutions demand more time and energy from someone already stretched to the limit.”
When you are convinced of your own laziness or weak will, changing your reality seems impossible.
But what if your will wasn’t at fault?
When you desire goals, dreams, and outcomes, you become a creator. To create something out of nothing, you need resources. These can be physical, mental, a tool, a skill, but the resource that appears to be most lacking is of a different breed.
“I don’t have the energy”.
Now, let’s look at the two types of solutions available to someone who aims to take care of themselves through moving more and eating better, likely with the goal of having more energy.
The FIRST OPTION is classic gym.
A membership with a per-hour trainer who tells you what to do. All you need to do is to find your socks, pack your bag, drive, park, change, hand yourself over, change, shower, drive, unpack, toss the stuff into the washing machine before it stinks up the laundry basket, then cook the dreaded dinner: all while feeling on the brink of collapse and resisting shameful urges to open UberEats.
When all is done, you have nothing left in you to take care of other parts of your life. The traffic time eats into your sleep (which you already don’t get enough of), you are more drained than ever, and pizza deliveries somehow happen more often than before you started.
The SECOND OPTION is complete DIY.
The books, the challenges, the ripped-out magazine pages, most calorie counters, and even a few membership apps (although they really do try to convince you there will be a qualified human to aid you, you still feel exhaustively alone).
You are excited for the initial few weeks and manage to score a couple of wins, but then it’s all downhill. Overwhelm and lack of direction creep in, draining most of what you have.
You wonder why you can’t you do it, brand yourself as lacking willpower, abandon your goal, and another piece of your confidence is chipped away.
Why do both fundamentally different approaches yield nearly identical results?
They are wasting the very energy they promise to multiply.
You can only win with what you have, not with what you don’t have.
Especially when what you have doesn’t feel like much, the only way to succeed is to pour it into what matters.
What you have is enough.
- You don’t need to learn a split stance Romanian deadlift to climb up the stairs without coughing out a lung.
- You don’t need to become a Michelin-starred vegan chef to wake up feeling like the day’s in your pocket and feeling good, period.
- You don’t need to open a full herbal apothecary in your kitchen cabinet to get a solid snooze, so you can crack your knuckles in the morning, fully alive to slay that formidable project.
You already know what to do. All you need is to start practicing what you have.
Introducing Sidekick
When the stakes are high, most people start developing new skills rather than using what they already have.
When skills are built at the cost of delaying what you truly want, your self-belief becomes collateral damage.
You are stuck before you even set your foot on the path, collecting gear for the long walk ahead. The distance you need to walk remains unchanged, you know it, and your backpack is getting heavier and heavier.
People tend to focus on what they lack, failing to appreciate the arsenal they already possess. Devoid of practice, knowledge exists without the substance of real results, widening the gap between your ability and what you get for it.
Sidekick was born to help you consistently move forward to your goal, create a constant stream of small wins, and hone your best abilities through practice.
All learning happens while you are getting closer to what is most meaningful to you—no more sidetracking.
These are the brave heart of Sidekick:
What did you make happen this week?
What are you going to make happen next week?
What did you notice?
When we are not walking the path, we are usually in two places: the past or the future.
The PAST is where we dredge up old failures as evidence of our insufficiency, forgetting that the past also holds evidence of our excellence. You are not just a person who stumbled but also one who has repeatedly tried and succeeded, and all that has built you.
Your past statistics are no longer valid. The only thing you need to carry with you from the past is the light of your fire, not the ashes of your defeat.
The FUTURE is another hurdle—by looking too far ahead, we see the distance between where we are and what we desire, and this distance is killing us.
But, if you take a moment to look back at your path from the start to its current point, you will realize it wasn’t as bad as you once feared. And here is the twist: the remaining distance to your goal will likely feel exactly the same as the distance you’ve already covered.
The PRESENT is the most difficult place—it is here that you remain in the flow of meaningful action by evading the pressure from the past and the future.
The three questions were designed to anchor you in the present, while making the past and the future your allies, not your adversaries.
Accountability and willpower are the building blocks of consistency. But it’s consistency that gets you to your goal.
As long as you have 70% consistency—how you get it doesn’t matter. It will make the outcome inevitable.
Why do most undertakings fail? We quit before the snowball of meaningful actions reaches critical mass (because once it does, it destroys obstacles all by itself). If you want to succeed, you want to make feeding that snowball as easy on yourself as possible.
You don’t need to be perfect to get there. 70% consistency is the sweet steady spot, and it accounts for emergencies.
If you aim for perfection instead and ask yourself: “When will I stop falling off the wagon?“
The answer is never. No one is capable of this. If we don’t admit this never, we will have to settle for another never: reaching our destination.
With Sidekick, you will feed the snowball of meaningful actions with about 70% consistency, over 52 weeks and get there, without quitting.
Minutes a Day
We waste 80% of our energy trying to be perfect. (The infamous 80/20 principle).
We burn ourselves to ashes trying to have it all and collapse way before reaching the destination, nullifying everything that has been achieved. Then the 20% becomes zero, and we’re right back to where we started.
Perfection is for quitters. And if you are reading this, I know you are a doer.
If you could get 80% of what you truly wanted in a year, that would be a precious victory, unlike the ruins of a sweet dream the pursuit of perfection leaves in its wake.
This is why the second goal of Sidekick is to keep your daily efforts focused within 15-60 minutes.
Life doesn’t stop when you decide to make something happen, so instead of arguing with reality, you life-proof the method.
You keep yourself consistently moving forward with the daily 15 minutes and learn not to exceed an hour because, in 80% of the cases, that is the energy stolen from your tomorrow.
More Energy
What we identify as laziness is our desperate attempt to resist destruction—a safeguard not against the task, but against the method we use to tackle it.
When laziness appears, it’s a top sign that we are not making ourselves do something—we are breaking ourselves.
Making runs on creation. When we are making ourselves, we choose to create something that didn’t exist before, with our effort and our own hands. Knowing the challenge ahead, we move forward through storms and sunshine; every step reminds us of our purpose.
Breaking runs on destruction. It’s where the guilt dwells, where your self-care looks like an army routine, where your rest is a function to keep you operational. When you approach your goal by breaking yourself, it doesn’t only destroy obstacles, it destroys YOU.
Making yourself isn’t easy. It is a rare skill to possess in a culture where you are expected to break yourself to get to your goal. But it’s a skill worth having.
You will be honing it not just in theory, but through deliberate practice and feedback.
Sidekick was designed to be the most energy-conserving solution you have set your sights on. It’s entirely email-based—no tools to learn, a fully familiar delivery system available at your convenience.
You will receive a welcome email immediately—it will contain your first task and a few pointers on how to approach your experience with joy.
Then, you will receive your first email with the three questions on the upcoming Friday, for 52 Fridays total. Each will contain a story, an observation, or an insightful nugget to keep your fire burning and help you walk firmly on the path to your goal.
You will receive a reply for every email you send. All your questions will be answered, and you will receive a response early next week, usually Monday or Tuesday, so you can have enough time to gather your thoughts comfortably if you need the weekend.
All correspondence will remain strictly between us. Your answers will never leave the mailing system and will not be copied to any other app.
You will have a recorded history of your journey at your fingertips for review and inspiration—an indisputable evidence of your wins.
Outside our dialogues, you will be getting closer to your goal by applying insights from both the experiences you collect and our interactions.
And, the best part—the skills you will practice will be transferable to other parts of your life.
They will be yours forever.
- An expertly-crafted email every Friday for a year [52 emails].
- Three zeroed-in questions that await your thoughtful replies.
- A very qualified human accountability partner that reads every single word and replies right back.
- No unnecessary Facebook groups to post in.
- No obligatory Zoom calls to arrange your schedule around.
- No strangers to give unwanted commentary on what you “should” be doing to reach YOUR goal.
It’s truly that simple. Simplicity is precisely what makes it effective—all available energy is directed to your goal and nowhere else.
True magic is found in repeatable action.
Expressing exactly what you have in you, the real you, is the most powerful and the most neglected form of self-care.
There is nothing more effective than a touch of friendly self-competition, with a partner who knows the trenches and is ready to catch you when the going gets tough.
Sidekick will help keep your promises to yourself (and enjoy it), the adventure you’ve longed for, a rock-solid accountability partner, and a much-needed injection of inner strength.
With Sidekick, you’ll master that 70% consistency you never believed you could master (not just in theory, but through deliberate practice), reach the finish line of your physical goals, and walk away feeling like a hero of the story you’ve always dreamed you could tell.
Just $2500 for a YEAR of new skills and expert support (or only $250/month).
You’ll start the coming Friday without any delay!
Hi, I’m Kristina Kuzina!
As you’ve probably guessed, I’m a bit of a nerd, hence the alphabet soup of certificates and letters I can put after my name (but prefer not to). I am notoriously bad at small talk, drink tea by the barrels and break bookshelves.
With a decade of geeking over everything related to the human body, I now work with clients and trainers worldwide on strengthening hearts, filling stomachs, relaxing nerves, and recovering that inner spark that makes us want to wake up and savour the day, with all its treasures and challenges. All at the comfort of your own computer.
My clients say I feel like a calm sea, my colleagues say I have a serious knack for re-framing, but what I am truly great at is getting right to the heart of the issue. And in 99% of the cases, it lies in places you least expect.
While technological advances slowly cause fitness education to lose its heart and soul with faceless apps and plans made for no one, I wanted to bring the ultimate powerhouse back in the game: the human connection. Your mightiest weapon for speed and impact, when combined with fundamentals.
This concoction turned into what you see today: a unique, fun, and challenging coaching environment that draws out the best of your hidden abilities and enables you to get back on the horse so you can become the hero of your own story.
And in case you are a nerd like me and still wondering about the aforementioned letters, here are a few:
Too many, and counting …
Will you really read all my emails?
Absolutely! I will read everything, and I will reply to all your questions!
Unlike many companies, I don’t employ assistants replying in my name to increase volume. The quality of insight will not be even remotely close, so it’s all me, and that’s by choice.
Will the emails be just the three questions?
You’ve read Field Notes; you know exactly the kind of emails you will receive!
Each will contain a story, an observation, or an insightful nugget to keep your fire burning and help you walk firmly on the path to your goal, well before getting to the three questions! You won’t be disappointed!
If I don’t know what to do next, can I get help through live email coaching?
Don’t worry, there is no way you will be left wandering lost and alone at any point in the program. In case you need more help, there are always priority spots for Breakthrough sessions kept exclusively for the Sidekick clients to solve any log jams promptly. You can request one when replying to any email. We’ve got your back.
What is the refund policy?
When will Sidekick be available again?
I strive to be the prime example of what I teach: since I read, ponder, and reply with utmost care to every single email, there are only so many people I can help at a time without burning out myself.
That means once my capacity is reached, the next spot will open when someone I accompany gets to the end of our journey together—in 52 weeks.
Have another question?
Just send it over at, and I’ll take care of it!
True magic is found in repeatable action.
Expressing exactly what you have in you, the real you, is the most powerful and the most neglected form of self-care.
There is nothing more effective than a touch of friendly self-competition, with a partner who knows the trenches and is ready to catch you when the going gets tough.
Sidekick will help keep your promises to yourself (and enjoy it), the adventure you’ve longed for, a rock-solid accountability partner, and a much-needed injection of inner strength.
With Sidekick, you’ll master that 70% consistency you never believed you could master (not just in theory, but through deliberate practice), reach the finish line of your physical goals, and walk away feeling like a hero of the story you’ve always dreamed you could tell.
Just $2500 for a YEAR of new skills and expert support (or only $250/month).
You’ll start the coming Friday without any delay!
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